Scientist, Engineer, STEM Profesor

Category: past

  • My Falcons
    My Falcons

    Caribbean Kestrel, Falco sparverius. For many years I lived my life with a pair of falcons (male/female Caribbean Kestrels) at home. Why this two decided to permanently live at my backyard and nest next to my bedroom window has an explanation that latter a Buddhist Lama explained me, but the birds were not afraid of…

  • The Chronicles of Georgia
    The Chronicles of Georgia

    Ones I had a dream that I was a Knight of the Order of Solomon, better known as the Knights Templar, and that I was traveling alongside a lake exactly like the one seen in this video. My role as a Knight Templar was that of a “military architect and siege engineer”, I had nothing…

  • Dreams

    Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a short book about “Buddhism” written by the none Buddhist author Richard Bach. I relate my dreams to this book so that all people may better understand higher level of existence (heavens) and how they can get higher into those levels. The video above serve as a metaphor that instead of…