Category: karma
Pokhara’s World Peace Pagoda
World Peace Pagoda, Pokhara (Enshrining The Sacred Relics of Lord Shakyamuni Buddha) The pioneer of peace Siddhartha Gautam Buddha was born in Lumbini of Nepal in 563 BC and spent 29 years of familiar life In his kingdom kapilvastu, Nepal. After his Great Renunciation at the age of 35 he attained enlightenment in Boddhagaya of…
Pokhara’s Shiva
Shiva is one of the most important gods in Hinduism. Shiva is a complex character who may represent goodness and benevolence, and he serves as the Protector. This Shiva Statue is located at the top of a hill contrary to the main Pokhara lake attractions. Hindu people as well as Buddhist people believe in reincarnation,…
During my lifetime I have been dreaming about different planets-heavens. From a Zen Buddhism perspective there are several heavens but from the scientific standpoint there is a statistical mathematical model called The Drake Equation which could explain how many advance civilizations planets are in a galaxy. In accordance with the Drake Equation there must be…
Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a short book about “Buddhism” written by the none Buddhist author Richard Bach. I relate my dreams to this book so that all people may better understand higher level of existence (heavens) and how they can get higher into those levels. The video above serve as a metaphor that instead of…